My Journey to being Fit


I’m documenting my fitness journey with a goal to achieve a Normal BMI of 25 or below and maintain a healthy muscle build. This means reaching a consistent weight of 67 kg or less and losing a total of 13 kg or more.


I’ve never been a naturally lean person. My body tends to gain weight quickly due to a combination of eating habits and genetics. While working in the US, I experimented with healthier food options like salads, smoothies, and protein bars, and incorporated cardio-intensive exercises such as running, swimming, and cycling. Yet, my weight never reached the ideal range. It fluctuated but never hit the healthy “target.”

Here’s a snapshot of my BMI data (I try to update it regularly):

DateWeight (kg)Goal (kg)Deficit (kg)BMIClassification
Oct 1st, 202480.767-13.730Overweight
Dec 9th, 202477.367-10.328.7Overweight

Lately, I noticed that my mental health was suffering. Some days felt deeply depressing. I grew frustrated with myself for constantly making excuses and felt stuck in a rut. In early October, I decided enough was enough—I didn’t want to continue living like this.

Joining the gym

Since I quit my job at Google last month, I no longer had access to a corporate gym. To kick-start my fitness journey, I signed up for a one-year membership with on October 15, 2024.

Validity (months)Validity (days)Total CostPer day (₹)Per month (₹)
14456₹16,134 (~$190)₹36 (~$0.42)₹1,152 (~$13.60)

Workout Routine

I’m naturally lazy, and after recently quitting my job, I’ve fallen into a night owl schedule: sleeping around 2 a.m. and waking up at 10 a.m. After my morning coffee with creamer, I spend time on Twitter and news until 11 a.m. before heading to the gym. I aim to work out for at least 1.5 hours, five days a week, focusing on resistance training (no cardio initially).

Here’s my workout schedule until last week (Dec 8, 2024):

  • Day 1: Legs
    • 4x Squats (Barbell) - Best: 90kg x 3
    • 4x Front Squats (Barbell) - Best: 35 kg x 8
    • 4x Seated Calf Raise (Plate Loaded) - Best: 45 kg x 11
    • 4x Leg Extension (Machine) - Best: 43kg x 10
    • 4x Seated Leg Curl (Machine) - Best: 43kg x 8
    • 2x Cable Twist - Best: 13.6kg x 15
    • 4x Cable Crunch - Best: 24.9kg x 10
  • Day 2: Chest and Triceps
    • 4x Incline Bench Press (Barbell) - Best: 35kg x 7
    • 4x Bench Press (Barbell) - Best: 37.5kg x 7
    • 4x Decline Bench Press (Smith Machine) - Best: 35kg x 9
    • 4x Chess Fly (Machine) - Best: 39kg x 14
    • 4x Pullover (Dumbbell) - Best: 12.5kg x 10
    • 4x Overhead Triceps Extension (Cable) - Best: 11.3kg x 13
    • 4x One Arm Reverse Grip Pushdown (Cable) - Best: 6.8kg x 12
  • Day 3: Shoulder
    • 4x Overhead Press (Barbell) - Best: 25kg x 7
    • 4x Front Raise (Dumbell / Plate)
    • 4x Lateral Raise (Cable) - Best: 4.5kg x 10
    • 4x Reverse Fly (Machine) - Best: 32kg x 12
    • 4x Face Pull (Cable) - Best: 15.9kg x 15
    • 4x Shrug (Smith Machine) - Best: 40kg x 7
  • Day 4: Back and Biceps
    • 4x Deadlift - Best: 85kg x 3
    • 4x Lat Pulldown (Wide grip) - Best: 45kg x 10
    • 4x Lat Pulldown (Narrow grip) - Best: 39kg x 10
    • 4x Bent Over Row (Barbell)
    • 4x Bicep Curl (Barbell) - Best: 25kg x 10
    • 4x Incline/Decline Curl (Dumbell)
    • 4x Hammer Curl (Dumbbell)
    • 4x Concentration Curl (Dumbbell)
    • 4x Preacher Curl (Dumbbell)
  • Day 5: Break
  • Day 6: Cycle to 1

After two months of consistency, I’ve gained muscle but my weight has plateaued at 77.5 kg (Dec 9, 2024). Belly fat remains stubborn, but I’m hopeful!

Recent Addition: Cardio

To accelerate fat loss, I’ve started adding 30 minutes of cardio to my routine:

  • Jump Rope: 15 minutes
  • Running/Inclined Walk/Elliptical: 15 minutes

Diet Regimen

To lose weight, I’m following a high-protein, low-carb diet. Based on my weight, I aim to consume at least 62g of protein per day (0.8g per kg body weight).


I usually skip breakfast and work out after just coffee + creamer. If I’m hungry, I opt for:

  • Protein bar (~10g protein): RiteBite Max Bar (carbs could be lower ☹️)
  • 1 slice of bread + 2 cheese slices (~14g protein)


Being South Indian, avoiding rice is tough. To reduce its impact, I:

  • Restrict my rice intake to 100g.
  • 1/3rd of the plate: Freeze the rice to reduce carb load, research article here
  • 1/3rd of the plate: Fried Veggies (Broccoli, Cauliflower, French Beans)
  • 1/3rd of the plate:
    • 4 pieces of Tempeh Tofu. Hello Tempayy’s Thai Chilli Thins are quite delicious! I just fry them for few minutes and eat with rice. (~10g of protein)
    • or 1-2 cups of chickpea (~20g of protein)
  • Yogurt (50-100g) - gives you (~10g of protein)


  • If I get too hungry, I end up munching something carby or take 1 protein bar. Need to find a good replacement to reduce my carb intake.


  • 1 scoop of Optimum Nutrition’s protein shake - gives you (~24g of protein).
  • Add some fruits, almonds, nuts etc… into the mix.


Here are some of the top supplements that I started consuming regularly:

Psyllium Husk Powder

Psyllium Husk is soluble fiber that helps regulate high cholesterol, triglyceriders and blood sugar levels. I take 2 teaspoons with one glass of water after coming back from the gym (before lunch). There are many products available on amazon, but I’m currently using Baidyanath’s Isabgol. The morning shits are glorious! Loving it.


I didn’t pay close attention to Creatine until levelsio’s tweet about the benefits of creatine. Joe Rogan also spoke about it in one of his podcast episodes with Elon Musk.

NOTE: Be warned, if you have a sensitive tummy go easy on creatine, I would suggest increasing creatine intake progressively. I made the mistake of taking creatine with Coffee and had really bad cramps and the worst shit you can ever have.

Currently, I take around ~3g of creatine after coming back from the gym (Optimum Nutrition’s 100g product on amazon). This is purely anecdotal so your mileage may vary but, I’ve noticed reduced fatigue after lifting weights and also increase in muscle strength & recovery time.

WARNING: Do your own research before taking creatine but there are warnings out there that this may affect those with high blood pressure or kidney in worse condition.


2K vitamin-D capsule from amazon.

Magnesium Citrate

1 capsule per day from amazon. Claims it supports relaxing, muscle regeneration and sleep. My sleep has definitely improved but can’t vouch for the other things.


This is a continuous journey. Sustainable weight loss requires a lifelong change in diet and lifestyle. I’ll keep this page updated with new insights and progress.

Feel free to reach out with questions or suggestions!

Disclaimer: Always consult a professional before making significant changes to your diet or fitness routine.